We're launching a Green Guides Network to help make OPRF Greener, Healthier & more Resilient!

To learn more about green guides join us at the Oak Park Main Library, 834 Lake St, 2nd floor small meeting room for a Green Guides Meet-up on either of the following dates:we-are-all-seeds_vandana-shiva

Thursday, January 28th, 10:00am -- OR -- Tuesday, February 2nd, 7:00pm  

We'll share our ideas and ask for your ideas on how to move the needle on our sustainability goals:

  • reduce, reuse and recycle 50% of our waste
  • conserve water and keep it clean
  • support our eco-systems with native plants
  • meet more of our food needs from local, sustainable growers (including ourselves!)
  • transition to renewable and efficient energy
  • plan for and adapt to climate-related events


Small changes can make a big impact when we act together!

The Green Guides network is being developed by PlanItGreen, and OPRF sustainability, civic and faith-based organizations in response to the need to engage people in every neighborhood.  Green Guides are not expected to be experts, just to have a willingness to help make it easier for neighbors to do the things they want to do.

See you at the Green Guide Kickoff Event for refreshments, idea-sharing and conversation!

RSVP here to let us know you're coming or let us know that you are interested.  For questions, email Lisa, Seven Generations Ahead, admin@sevengenerationsahead.org or call Sally Stovall at 773-315-1109.

Participating organizations: Seven Generations Ahead, Green Community Connections, Interfaith Green Network,