Water 2016

The Breach


Pre-Event Screening: Wednesday February 24th, 6:30 pm/ Forest Park Public LibraryTickets

Post-film program includes discussion about protecting our marine environments and the quality of our precious water resources. Independent environmental journalist Gary Wilson will be on hand to help frame the conversation. Gary specializes in water issues as a commentator for Great Lakes Echo and WKAR Public Radio in Lansing, Michigan. Facilitator:  Stephanie McCray, Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker.

Saturday March 5th, 3 pm/ Wilmette Theater/ Tickets

Come see "The Breach" at the WIlmette Theater Saturday March 5th at 3 pm. Stay for post-film dialogue, and to hear about opportunities for relevant, local action, from Jessica Fujan of Food and Water Watch. Concessions will be available for purchasing snacks and beverages. Facilitator: Jill Stewart, Founder, Stewart Communications & Co-Founder, Green Block.

Sunday March 6th, 3:30 pm/ Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church/ Tickets

Arrive early to enjoy a Green Fair before the film.Also learn about green activities, and hear about concrete, local opportunities for action from Faith in Place and other relevant advocacy groups. Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson, Presbytery Community Organizer, Presbytery of Chicago.

Mark Titus/2014/ 85 min/ Water

FILM DESCRIPTION: When fishing guide and filmmaker Mark Titus learns why wild salmon populations plummeted in his native Pacific Northwest, he embarks on a journey to discover where the fish have gone and what might bring them back. Along the way, Titus unravels a trail of human hubris, historical amnesia and potential tragedy looming in Alaska – all conspiring to end the most sustainable wild food left on the planet. Visit The Breach's official site.