Illinois Facilities Fund

Energy Efficiency Workshop for OP-RF Congregations

Start the New Year off right and learn how faith-based institutions in Oak Park and River Forest can achieve PlanItGreen goals and save energy and thousands of dollars every year!

Recycle with leaves

This complimentary workshop, co-sponsored by PlanItGreen, the Interfaith Green Network, and the Illinois Facilities Fund (IFF), provides actionable steps and timelines for how Interfaith Green Network and PlanItGreen-affiliated religious organizations can significantly lower utility bills, provide a healthy environment for their congregations, and support congregational and PlanItGreen sustainability goals for 2013.

WHEN:  Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 7:00pm – 8:00pm


WHERE:  Oak Park Public Library (Veteran’s Room, 2nd Floor), 834 Lake Street

WHO:  This workshop is ideal for Oak Park and River Forest faith-based organizations operating in older facilities. Pastors, green team leaders, building operations managers, and congregation decision-makers are strongly encouraged to attend.

Participants will learn how IFF can:


  • Assess your facility's energy use and evaluate your best options for energy savings
  • Explain which grants and incentives are available to your organization to help cover costs
  • Provide affordable, flexible loans for upfront costs—and use the savings from your lower energy costs to pay the loan back
  • Oversee all energy upgrades and train your staff to help maximize savings

IFF's Energy Performance Program (E2P) has identified hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy savings for nonprofits and institutions of faith—join us on the 14th to learn how IFF can help your organization!

To RSVP or to learn more, contact SGA at or Dick Alton at