
Biking Gears Up This Summer

Biking Gears Up This Summer

Remember back in March, right after the COVID shutdown, and how empty the streets were of cars? It was a biker’s dream; many people took to the empty roads on two wheels. Fast forward to August, and the auto traffic has come roaring back. . . but biking is still a hot topic this summer.

Here are some tools and resources for you to have fun/get around/support equity/save the earth on your bike during August, September and beyond.

We Can Be the Spark That Keeps Climate Action Ignited

We Can Be the Spark That Keeps Climate Action Ignited

When 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement in December of 2015, it was an unprecedented expression of global solidarity on climate change.

The Administration's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement is a serious blow to that international accord. This is the first time in my memory that the U.S. has become almost universally viewed as a rogue nation.