Play Again (Encore Presentation!)


Saturday March 5th, 3 pm/ Thatcher Pavilion/ Tickets

Post-film program includes Q&A with Sue Dombro, Naturalist and Director, Hal Tyrrell Trailside Museum. Sue will share about nature play opportunities and hands-on activities. *Teens and general audiences encouraged to attend this thought-provoking, acclaimed film! Facilitator: Susan Lucci, Professional Trainer & Coach.

Tonje Hessen Schei/ 2010/ 82 min/ Health & the Environment 

FILM DESCRIPTION: This moving and humorous documentary follows six teenagers who, like the “average American child,” spend five to fifteen hours a day behind screens. Play Again unplugs these teens and takes them on their first wilderness adventure – no electricity, no cell phone coverage, no virtual reality. Through the voices of children and leading experts including a journalist, sociologist, environmental writer, educator, neuroscientist, parks advocate, and geneticist, Play Again investigates the consequences of a childhood removed from nature and encourages action for a sustainable future.