Help Stop Fracking in Illinois


Please call into the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules today, and daily through Sept 15th, about the rules for fracking and say- "Please prohibit the rules for fracking.  The IDNR did not develop detailed plans for air pollution, radiation, seismicity and chemical disclosure that will actually protect Illinois residents from fracking related harm.  And what's up with the IDNR charging such low fines? Fracking can harm people, animals and the environment - why give the industry a pass?   The IDNR is understaffed and underfunded. They admit it themselves. They are not ready to take on the daunting task of regulating this dangerous industry.  We ask that you prohibit the rules for fracking." 12 calls to 12 members of the committee, in 6 days -- we can do this! Their office numbers can be found here:

If JCAR, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, votes to prohibit the rules then that would shoot a hole in the hydraulic fracturing program in Illinois and would send the regulations back to the General Assembly for a do over -- yahoo!

The rules can be found at:

The IDNR admits, in their responses to the over 30,000 public comments about fracking, that they are understaffed, and that they face many challenges and unknowns about the daunting task of regulating of the fracking industry. (You can find it on page 14):

Thanks for making these calls and passing this to your contacts, Frack Free Illinois