For the Price of a Cup of Coffee

Thursday, Feb 21, 7P/Whole Foods Market, River Forest preview night- RSVP call 708.366.1045

Hypatia Angelique Porter/2007/15 min

What is the cost of convenience?  For the Price of a Cup of Coffee is a short environmental documentary examining the life cycle of a paper cup and the repercussions of a society reliant on convenience.  Why are less than 1% of coffeeshop patrons bringing their own cup?  Why do we have so much garbage, and where does it go? What is the true cost of a disposable culture?

Shot throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, including interviews with local activists, environmental experts and coffeeshop owners. This film is full of information that all consumers should know about the products that we use everyday, and the steps we need to make towards a more sustainable world.

AWARDS:  Festival Favorite, Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival 2008. Best Documentary, Epidemic Student Film Festival 2007.

Programming note:  will be screeened with Black Gold and Fair Trade Africa.