Green Living: Caulk Your Way to A Lower Carbon Footprint

Insulating and caulking air leaks in your home isn't sexy, but aside from trading your car for a bike or train pass, it could be one of the easiest and cheapest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. With savings in reduced utility bills, the payback can be realized within several years, and -- with currently available energy rebates -- even sooner. Elevate Energy, formerly CNT Energy, is a non-profit that has worked with Illinois residents since 2000 to create and promote programs to help make home energy retrofits even easier. Elevate Energy's mission is to promote smarter energy use ( Skyler Larrimore, local adviser for Elevate Energy, is hosting workshops at local libraries in June and July.  Click CONTINUE READING for schedule.

caulk-man-outdoors-window-590rr040610Home Energy Savings Workshops

Berwyn Public Library (2701 Harlem Avenue): Monday, June 16 7-8 p.m.

River Forest Public Library (735 Lathrop Ave): Monday, June 16 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Forest Park Public Library (7555 Jackson Blvd): Monday, June 23 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Elmwood Park Public Library (1 Conti Pkwy.): Thursday, July 10 6:30-7:30 p.m.

At these workshops, Larrimore will present information on local resources you can use to make your home more comfortable, keep gas and electric bills in check, and increase home value. She will also highlight how you can use Smart Grid and Smart Meter technology to reduce your energy bills still more.

Elevate Energy estimates that with an energy retrofit (including air sealing and insulating), a typical home can save 300 therms of natural gas and 770 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. As of April, Elevate Energy says that Oak Park and River Forest residents who have gone through their program have saved a combined 690,697 total pounds of carbon dioxide and an estimated total of $62,800 on annual utility costs.

Contact Skyler at or at 773-407-3784 to learn more.